Monday, June 2, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends...

I just want to take a second here and say thanks to all of you!! You have been very supportive through a strange time, and you are all amazing!!

Anyway more news on my strange life...

Yesterday the poor beleagured music teacher had a massive breakdown and quit the week before the annual music concert. I'm not quite sure what this will mean to me but I am pretty sure it will result in more on-call work. Next week I already have three days booked, one with kindergarten (yikes), one with grade one and one with highschool art.

We don't have access to tv here, so I have been catching up on a lot of reading which is nice. Anyone have any book suggestions they want to share?

I don't have a lot of ways to practice escapism here, so I have been spending a lot of times mulling things over, and I feel much healthier than I was when I left Canada. I have lost 13 pounds!!

Registration for summer school is going well and it looks as though it will run for 3 weeks, I know I am hired for sure for two weeks but I have to wait to find out about the final week.

Allan and I spoke on the phone and it was horrible. He still wants us to be together and I am not going back. I heard from my friend that he is getting relationship advice from Mark of all people. He is moving all of my things out into the garage which is a bit dismaying considering it is a neighbourhood cat hang-out and my things might reek of cat piss when I get home. I am also concerned that things will get broken, but I'm trying to let it all go. I am here, he is there, not much I can do.

Cairo Quirks
-you have to pay an Egyptian pound to use public restrooms, and you have to take your own toilet paper.
-You can't flush toilet paper it backs up the horrible plumbing
-Egyptian Watermelon refrigerated is a gift from the gods, seriously it is the best thing I have ever tasted!!!

1 comment:

Khali said...

I have *plenty* of book suggestions. What are you in the mood for?