Friday, June 13, 2008

Shrinking Pains

I am so pleased with myself, I keep losing weight. I`m losing it more slowly now which is probably far more healthy. It is hard to gauge exactly how much I have lost, because our scale is in kilos, but my clothes are looser.

Yesterday was our school play day. originally I was free for the afternoon just to watch and play but the woman I was covering for in the morning came in and told me I was working all day. So I had my own little team of followers that I took aroud too each activity. It was hilarious, my group had 6 kids under the age of 6 and no older kids, so we lost every event, but we had a SUPER time. The grade eleven kids organized things and it too a long time to get from event to event and then the explanations took too long and by the time we got started it was time to move on. So at the third station when it was becoming apparent we weren`t going to be able to play the game I picked up a bucket of water and dumped it on little Yahias head, and chaos insued. I was one of about 4 teachers who got soaked through too the skin. It was awesome, nothing is better on a hot Egyptian afternoon than a good old fashioned water fight!!!

In other news, the bird, the damn noisy bird is dead. I don`t know how it happened but I got a terse email from Allan this morning informing me that he had watched the bird die yesterday orning, oh dear. I should`not laugh but it is sort of darkl funny, poor Allan what else could go wrong!!

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