Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Sprain is a Pain...

Last night I went to help some friends move, and I thought I had walked away relatively unscathed. Unfortunately, I managed somehow to sprain my right shoulder, which makes doing pretty much anything (including the typing I am doing right now) rather painful.

Thankfully the lovely pharmacist man has given me fluorescent pink and purple pills to take. I call them my pretty pinky-purple painkillers.

Valerie and I are moving tomorrow which will be rather awkward so wish us luck. We don't have a lot to move but it is just the two of us and she has osteoporosis, and I am a gimp. We have three flights of stairs to move everything down and then at the new place three more flights of stairs to move everything up...sigh.

It is the time of year in Cairo when all expats migrate back to the place of their birth in search of colder climate, and long-time friends and family. Most of our friends from school left last night.


Brilm said...

Just wanted to say that I check every day, sometimes twice, for new posts! I've really, really been enjoying reading about your experiences.

I'm headed off to Alberta, need any dinosaur bones? Cute cowboys? Horses?

Amber Grant said...

Naomi you are living a crazy fun life right now. I'm just so happy things are going well for you, about time really. Sorry to hear you're gimpy tho.