Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chasing Children

This is how I spend most of my days now, running down errant children and making sure they are where they are suppossed to be. The dance was a lot of fun, there was very little actual dancing but the kids all had a good time, and there were too many chaperones so we mostly just hung out.

Today I agreed to help the grade eight teacher prepare her graduation dinner, which meant a lot of running around (this time after teachers). There is also the performance of the grade four dance, which I helped choreograph. I am excited about seeing them in costume but I think the dance is going to be pretty lame. They just don't put any energy into it, no pizzazz or whatever.

Most of the teachers willbe leaving for Canada on Tuesday or Wednesday which is kind of sad. There will be a skeleton crew here for summer camp, and loads and loads of kids.

I am down to 136 pounds, my weight loss has slowed the last little while, I need to focus on it a bit more.

1 comment:

Khali said...

wow Nomes! Good on ya