Friday, June 20, 2008

Its just another day for you and me in paradise

So yesterday I went and did something almost totally foreighn to me.

I went to a MASSIVE shopping mall. The place is called city stars and it is THE mall to go shopping at in Cairo. The grade eight graduation is on Sunday and it is mandatory for all teachers to attend, and while I am not a teacher there will be free food so of course I am going. Anyway I had nothing to wear so Haley and I hopped in a cab and went forth bravlely into the air-conditioned interior. The mall is bigger than metropolis, it just goes on and on. It was another ICE (interesting cultural expereince) there is so much affluence in Cairo, and this is where all the wealthy people and upper middle class people come to spend money. There are all of the major brand name stores, and the food courts are huge! We decided to go to the Rainforest cafe because many of the students at school had been chatting about it, and when we got there we discovered a bunch of students in the midst of a birthday party. They invited us to join them and we did. The kids were really excited and they gave us a tour of the place, they were sooo funny. "Look miss Naomi, look at the toilets!!!" They were as excited about the bathroom as they were about the animatronic tigers and gorillas. We were treated to birthday cake, and then the party left before us, they had almost finished eating when we arrived. When we went to pay the bill we discovered the girl's father had paid for our lunch!!

A H&M store had opened up recently so we decided to look there for clothes. It was funny because one of the Kindergarten teachers had told me about it opening she was so excited about it, and then I had run into her daughter the same day and she had also told me about it. Who should we run into in the changing room? Virpi and her daughter!!

Not a bad day, I got two pairs of shoes, a black top, and a purple shrug. I think even Amber would approve of my shoe choices, hot pink, and navy flats. And when I got home I had a caramel milka bar mmmmmm heaven.

This morning I am going out for brunch with some friends and then luggage shopping with Valerie. We have to move next week into another apartment so if I post less frequently, I'm not dead just busy :)

Against my better judgement I let the grade fours perform their dance. It wasn't very good, they needed more practice time but they really wanted to do it, so I let them. Ordinarily I wouldn't have allowed it because they weren't ready but it was their last oppurtunity to perform something before year end. They had a lot of fun dressing up and wearing their costumes, I think the best part was watching them march through school in raggedy costumes with lots of face paint on!

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