Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So my day has been strange. I offended my anthro proff somehow, still haven't figured that out. I've been sick for a few days now, coughing up strange goo and all that sexy stuff. Anyway I decided after my second class today that I did really need to go to the clinic, where the doc tells me, "Oh its a virus there isn't anything I can give you, just drink plenty of fluids and get some rest." Because I was feeling like balls that just got the pointy end of soccer cleats I walked over to wendy's and bought myself a frosty (which melts so its liquidy kind of). After purchasing my liquid I wandered back through the mall watching hookers use the tester make-up to apply their evening I love Nanaimo. I came home and one of my roomates was making himself some steroid shakes. Oh, I watched an awesome movie, Forgetting sarah marshal is hilarious!!

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