Monday, September 29, 2008

Hot hot hot

Today I went to hot yoga and it was an experience. To begin with I didn't think we were going to go because Julie the German intern hurt herself. How did she hurt herself you are asking...

She went jogging in bare feet (why is a whole other story).

Anyway, we went to hot yoga and it was weird. I had to drink 2-3 litres of water beforehand. I was not allowed to eat anything for three hours beforehand. Afterwards I was to drink plenty of fucking water as well. Anyway I thought it was supposed to last 45 minutes it lasted 90!! For those of you wondering, hot yoga is a form of yoga performed in a specially heated room. You sweat like a waterfall and it is really gross. It was good exerscise though. The instructor walked around using a Britney speaks microphone, wearing a bikini.

You know how you feel after a day at the beach when you have been out swimming in big waves and your entire body feels exhausted? That is how I feel right now.


Khali said...

that is supposed to be awesome..

Lindsie said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeew. But hooray for exercise!