Thursday, September 4, 2008

My keen fashion sense

The last two days I have gotten dressed in the dark. Not only have I gotten dressed in the dark, I have had to find my clothes in the dark. So I look, naturally, quite stunning. My roomate goes to bed at 9 and wakes up at 9. We share the same damn room so I get up in the dark and go to bed in the dark. I am going to have to re-organize somehow so I don't end up looking like I just rolled out of bed every day wearing the same clothes just because I can distinguish them by feel in the dark.

We had an offer on the house in Cumberland but it fell through when the poor bastard got a whiff of how much repair the house needs. Valerie is freaking out because her tenant leaves in October. I'm trying to be understanding but part of me feels she should never have let the property get to this state.

1 comment:

Amber Grant said...

I don't know why you would be concerned about what you roll out of bed in, I mean you're a student so it's not like anyone will notice;P
everything will work out with the house and such, I just know it, so don't worry. Tell your mom that I have a good feeling about the house selling soon.