Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Well she looks like a movie star

Monday, September 29, 2008
Hot hot hot
Today I went to hot yoga and it was an experience. To begin with I didn't think we were going to go because Julie the German intern hurt herself. How did she hurt herself you are asking...
She went jogging in bare feet (why is a whole other story).
Anyway, we went to hot yoga and it was weird. I had to drink 2-3 litres of water beforehand. I was not allowed to eat anything for three hours beforehand. Afterwards I was to drink plenty of fucking water as well. Anyway I thought it was supposed to last 45 minutes it lasted 90!! For those of you wondering, hot yoga is a form of yoga performed in a specially heated room. You sweat like a waterfall and it is really gross. It was good exerscise though. The instructor walked around using a Britney speaks microphone, wearing a bikini.
You know how you feel after a day at the beach when you have been out swimming in big waves and your entire body feels exhausted? That is how I feel right now.
She went jogging in bare feet (why is a whole other story).
Anyway, we went to hot yoga and it was weird. I had to drink 2-3 litres of water beforehand. I was not allowed to eat anything for three hours beforehand. Afterwards I was to drink plenty of fucking water as well. Anyway I thought it was supposed to last 45 minutes it lasted 90!! For those of you wondering, hot yoga is a form of yoga performed in a specially heated room. You sweat like a waterfall and it is really gross. It was good exerscise though. The instructor walked around using a Britney speaks microphone, wearing a bikini.
You know how you feel after a day at the beach when you have been out swimming in big waves and your entire body feels exhausted? That is how I feel right now.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
An explanation
''Mad, bad and dangerous to know'' was his (Lord Byron's) lover Lady Caroline Lamb's famous assessment of him, and even today one can scarcely read of his exploits -- his compulsive love affairs with women and boys; his drinking and excess; the scandalous liaison with his half sister, Augusta (who may have borne him a child in 1814); the bizarre athletic feats; his exile in Italy and exotic death in 1824 at the age of 36 while trying to foment a revolution in Greece
Paul Newman is dead and that sucks
I got into some trouble yet again for saying something to someone when I wasn't supposed to. The problem was that I did not realize I wasn't supposed to say anything. This has kind of been an on going theme in my life.
Lets face it I'm just not very good at keeping secrets that I don't care about. If I know it is a life and death deal of course I won't tell anyone. If I know that telling someone your secret will cause you horrid embarrassment of course I won't tell anyone.
If, on the other and, I think your story is funny and harmless (and you haven't told me not to tell people) assume it will be passed along.
Also a great actor died today. Paul Newman, he was more than just a pair of blue eyes. If you want some kind of obituary go to a news site, I'm just a fan saddened by this loss.
Lets face it I'm just not very good at keeping secrets that I don't care about. If I know it is a life and death deal of course I won't tell anyone. If I know that telling someone your secret will cause you horrid embarrassment of course I won't tell anyone.
If, on the other and, I think your story is funny and harmless (and you haven't told me not to tell people) assume it will be passed along.
Also a great actor died today. Paul Newman, he was more than just a pair of blue eyes. If you want some kind of obituary go to a news site, I'm just a fan saddened by this loss.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Lost in Translation
Julie the German intern and I were hanging out and she decided it was important to do a handstand. So she proceeded to try and do so. Only she wasn't quite getting it and fell a lot. Worried about the loud bumps (it was like 9pm) I asked who would hear her beneath us.
"Oh don't vorry," she said in her charming German accent "Downstairs they are beating off horses."
This of course is exactly the kind of thing that sends me into convulsions of laughter, I had tears running down my face as I struggled to control myself. (She meant betting on horses btw).
In other news it looks as though I may be able to take possession of the condo as early as the first of October, cross your fingers everybody!!
Also I may have agreed to do a King Swing bungy jump...not sure how that came about...huh.
"Oh don't vorry," she said in her charming German accent "Downstairs they are beating off horses."
This of course is exactly the kind of thing that sends me into convulsions of laughter, I had tears running down my face as I struggled to control myself. (She meant betting on horses btw).
In other news it looks as though I may be able to take possession of the condo as early as the first of October, cross your fingers everybody!!
Also I may have agreed to do a King Swing bungy jump...not sure how that came about...huh.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Life is so much fun when you step out of your shell. I invited myself along to watch my roommates hurl themselves off of a bridge protected only by silly boots with bungy cords. It was quite the day. I am now convinced I want to try zip-cording!! It is only like $25 a go! Come on who is with me?? This is the place and it looks like sooo much fun!
In other news the soap opera here continues...and I am getting such a kick out of it all.
In other news the soap opera here continues...and I am getting such a kick out of it all.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I'm falling for her
When I lived in Nanaimo way back in the day, I didn't like it at all.
I have to admit I feel quite differently now. The downtown core is nice, lots of cool resturants, and neat shops. I think one of my favorite things has to be the harbor. I went for a walk tonight along the seawall and it was so beautiful, the colour of the horizon and the water was breath taking. I even had a harbor seal follow me part of the way.
I'm quite happy here. A little lonely but overall content.
I have to admit I feel quite differently now. The downtown core is nice, lots of cool resturants, and neat shops. I think one of my favorite things has to be the harbor. I went for a walk tonight along the seawall and it was so beautiful, the colour of the horizon and the water was breath taking. I even had a harbor seal follow me part of the way.
I'm quite happy here. A little lonely but overall content.
Roommates aka A constant source of amusement
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
For Lindsie from Namool
True Blood is a series based on a bunch of novels written by Charlaine Harris. The show is written by Allan Ball the genius behind American Beauty and Six Feet Under. It is mysterious, supernatural and very sexy. True Blood is the name of a synthetic blood which means vampires can survive without hurting people so they have come out of hiding. It all takes place in the Southern states and has a cool atmostphere. I like the characters they aren't what I expected. In particular I really like Tara, the best friend of Sookie the main character. Tara says all the things I wish I could get away with saying. Sookie is a waitress who can hear what people are thinking. One day a vampire walks into the bar...
Get down with the sickness
I'm still sick. I am not pleased. To keep myself occupied I have been watching some of the new tv shows. The new 90210 isn't very good, its a shame because the writer from Veronica Mars worked on it. True Blood from HBO is interesting and I think I might be a bit of a fan. There are very graphic sex scenes though so I have to be careful when and where I watch it. The other show I am kind of into is fringe, its well done, it can be a bit gory.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Oy vey
Thin walls are not great. Last night I couldn't find my earplugs so I tried to sleep without them, which as it turns out wasn't going to happen. One of the other students was entertaining on the other side of the wall that my headboard rests against. His partner was very loud. At first they were just flirting and doing homework and she was being loud and flirty like a 16 year old, and that was obnoxious. Then they got quiet and naively I thought oh good, they are going to sleep. No. No they did not sleep. Then the ooing started, which I took to mean one of two things:
1) He had a perverted dove trapped in his room
2) His girlfriend was a really loud sexual partner.
It was not number one, although she really did kind of sound like a fucked up bird (no pun intended). When it was all over she said loudly (as if she knows how to speak any other way) "Wham bam thank-you mam!"
1) He had a perverted dove trapped in his room
2) His girlfriend was a really loud sexual partner.
It was not number one, although she really did kind of sound like a fucked up bird (no pun intended). When it was all over she said loudly (as if she knows how to speak any other way) "Wham bam thank-you mam!"
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Remember that time...
This is very funny. It also touches on something I find really annoying. I do not agree with any of Palin's view points, I hate guns, I think the Alaskan pipeline is a horrible idea, and I think the whole notion of clean coal is about as scientifically sound as a moon made of blue cheese. That being said I am annoyed at some of the attacks on her. In particular the attacks on her being a mother while in office, there is concern she will not be able to govern properly. Several Presidents and Vice Presidents have had children while in office, why is it ok for the Father to do this and not for a Mother?
I will say this for her, I think she is a talented public speaker.
I will say this for her, I think she is a talented public speaker.
Peer Pressure
Tonight was weird.
I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of soup and this guy asks me if I'm hungry, I reply in the affirmative shake my cup of soup and smile. He says well if you make a salad out of my stuff here you can share my dinner with me. I said no thank-you, he persisted, I said no thank-you, he persisted, I said "Hmm I think I have some cucumber in the fridge." So I made the salad, and we sat down to a nice home cooked meal. He starts to tell me about his life and how he is a recovering alcoholic and that he is going to a costume party tonight and he wants to dress up as bat-man. I laughingly say the only costume item I have is my blue wig, and he goes cool can I borrow it. So there he is trying on my blue girly wig with his long black hair hanging underneath it. He wants me to braid his hair...suddenly I had somewhere else to be. Perhaps I'm just weird but it had gotten to the point where I wasn't prepared to have a pillow fight y'know? Enough girly bonding for one evening.
Then the three guy students who live here got involved in a drinking game with two other guests at the hostel, funniest fucking thing ever. They head off to a pub and leave me there where I wanted to be chatting with Julie the German intern. Julie wants to go to the pub but doesn't want to be the only girl...sigh. 15 minutes later I'm sitting in a pub starring at the pool table wondering how I got talked into this. Julie and I played two games of pool, she won once and I won the second, so then one of the guys comes over and I think this is it, I am about to have my ass handed to me. He leans over to me and says (bragging) "I've got a fisher price table at home." ITS SO ON!! Yeah I won. HA! Which is funny enough if you have never played pool with me but even funnier if you have, I can't make the stick hit the balls in any kind of logical way.
Also I am still sick and all night long I couldn't equalize my ears so I kept shaking my head. I'm kinda awesome.
I went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of soup and this guy asks me if I'm hungry, I reply in the affirmative shake my cup of soup and smile. He says well if you make a salad out of my stuff here you can share my dinner with me. I said no thank-you, he persisted, I said no thank-you, he persisted, I said "Hmm I think I have some cucumber in the fridge." So I made the salad, and we sat down to a nice home cooked meal. He starts to tell me about his life and how he is a recovering alcoholic and that he is going to a costume party tonight and he wants to dress up as bat-man. I laughingly say the only costume item I have is my blue wig, and he goes cool can I borrow it. So there he is trying on my blue girly wig with his long black hair hanging underneath it. He wants me to braid his hair...suddenly I had somewhere else to be. Perhaps I'm just weird but it had gotten to the point where I wasn't prepared to have a pillow fight y'know? Enough girly bonding for one evening.
Then the three guy students who live here got involved in a drinking game with two other guests at the hostel, funniest fucking thing ever. They head off to a pub and leave me there where I wanted to be chatting with Julie the German intern. Julie wants to go to the pub but doesn't want to be the only girl...sigh. 15 minutes later I'm sitting in a pub starring at the pool table wondering how I got talked into this. Julie and I played two games of pool, she won once and I won the second, so then one of the guys comes over and I think this is it, I am about to have my ass handed to me. He leans over to me and says (bragging) "I've got a fisher price table at home." ITS SO ON!! Yeah I won. HA! Which is funny enough if you have never played pool with me but even funnier if you have, I can't make the stick hit the balls in any kind of logical way.
Also I am still sick and all night long I couldn't equalize my ears so I kept shaking my head. I'm kinda awesome.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I'm learning to listen to my body, for instance right now it is saying
"You need to slow the fuck down spend the day in bed with pillows over your damn head,stop taking the airy fairy hippy stuff and take some real goddamn drugs.
"You need to slow the fuck down spend the day in bed with pillows over your damn head,stop taking the airy fairy hippy stuff and take some real goddamn drugs.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So my day has been strange. I offended my anthro proff somehow, still haven't figured that out. I've been sick for a few days now, coughing up strange goo and all that sexy stuff. Anyway I decided after my second class today that I did really need to go to the clinic, where the doc tells me, "Oh its a virus there isn't anything I can give you, just drink plenty of fluids and get some rest." Because I was feeling like balls that just got the pointy end of soccer cleats I walked over to wendy's and bought myself a frosty (which melts so its liquidy kind of). After purchasing my liquid I wandered back through the mall watching hookers use the tester make-up to apply their evening looks...hot. I love Nanaimo. I came home and one of my roomates was making himself some steroid shakes. Oh, I watched an awesome movie, Forgetting sarah marshal is hilarious!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I'm ill. I'm not going to go into the details suffice it to say I have a very sore throat. Anyway last night I'm laying there in bed wishing the world would dissolve into some pink fluffy place when I hear some of the people who live in the hostel bitching about stuff. It is all very highschool and it made me want to move, like yesterday. I mean the building is great, my room is fine, and the common room is cool, but I'm not so sure about the politics.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Danger, Will Robinson, danger!
I'm getting that ooh wouldn't it be nice to have a new pet vibe. Must not fall victim!!! Must not bring home new pets!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hostiles in the hostel
I have my treats that I really enjoy, one of which is organic cherry tomatoes. So I bought myself a small basket of them for $4, and placed them in the communal fridge. Where some fucker took them and ate them!!! Not only that but they took half of my cucumber. LOL Small worries really but how weird is that? Stealing cucumbers and tomatoes!! Life in the hostel isn't bad, my roommate won't be around on weekends because she works on the mainland. However some evenings eating supper can be a bit daunting there are always strangers who want to make conversation and to be honest, I could give a fuck. I know, I know that isn't very charitable but for the time being this is my home and imagine how you would feel coming down to dinner every night and having 6-12 new people there. There was an obnoxious man here the other night who kept trying to sell his bread, he had bought to much and wanted to sell it. He was really pushy, I said I tried not to eat bread and he looked offended. What is offensive about not wanting to eat bread?? In the daytime the location here is fantastic, at night especially on the weekends it can be a bit noisy. Last night and the night before the clubs were really loud. I also heard someone vomiting just under our window sill, it wasn't just some small puke either it was an operatic overture to the tune of the man's entire repast meeting the sidewalk...bleah.
In other news...I am going to Tanzania at X-mas. And, I am coming back to Canada in January. I will be leaving Canada again in April for more fun time teaching at CISE in Egypt. I have to pay for the second trip which I think is fair.
I had a surprise in one of my classes, who should walk in late but Derrick!! Almost ten years to the day we began theatre school together.
In other news...I am going to Tanzania at X-mas. And, I am coming back to Canada in January. I will be leaving Canada again in April for more fun time teaching at CISE in Egypt. I have to pay for the second trip which I think is fair.
I had a surprise in one of my classes, who should walk in late but Derrick!! Almost ten years to the day we began theatre school together.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My keen fashion sense
The last two days I have gotten dressed in the dark. Not only have I gotten dressed in the dark, I have had to find my clothes in the dark. So I look, naturally, quite stunning. My roomate goes to bed at 9 and wakes up at 9. We share the same damn room so I get up in the dark and go to bed in the dark. I am going to have to re-organize somehow so I don't end up looking like I just rolled out of bed every day wearing the same clothes just because I can distinguish them by feel in the dark.
We had an offer on the house in Cumberland but it fell through when the poor bastard got a whiff of how much repair the house needs. Valerie is freaking out because her tenant leaves in October. I'm trying to be understanding but part of me feels she should never have let the property get to this state.
We had an offer on the house in Cumberland but it fell through when the poor bastard got a whiff of how much repair the house needs. Valerie is freaking out because her tenant leaves in October. I'm trying to be understanding but part of me feels she should never have let the property get to this state.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
This is my new home for the next two months. So far it seems pretty cool. My roommate is about the same age as my cousin and rather quiet, imagine my surprise to discover she is a first year theatre student. LOL I've never had to share a room with a complete stranger before but I don't think she will kill me in my sleep.
The hostel has a fantastic location it is right downtown walking distance from the Port Place mall, the bastion, the port and all the other interesting areas of Nanaimo.
I applied for my student loan early this year so imagine my surprise when my paperwork arrived two days before labour day, argh!!! I won't have access to my money until the week after next which means borrowing money from Mother, oh joy.
The hostel has a fantastic location it is right downtown walking distance from the Port Place mall, the bastion, the port and all the other interesting areas of Nanaimo.
I applied for my student loan early this year so imagine my surprise when my paperwork arrived two days before labour day, argh!!! I won't have access to my money until the week after next which means borrowing money from Mother, oh joy.
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