Friday, November 7, 2008


In order to get into Tanzania and Kenya you have to have the yellow fever vaccine. I got mine yesterday along with Hep A, Typhoid, and Polio. Good times. Then this morning I got an email from my mother. The clinic will not give her a vaccination for yellow fever because she is over 60. Apparently there is a 1 in 40 000 -50 000 chance, that when injected with the vaccine for yellow fever, people over 60 experience multiple organ failure. She has already paid for the tickets. I'm fairly certain there will be some way around this it is just a frustrating process.


Brilm said...

Another doctor or clinic? One with more insurance, or in another country?

Gnome said...

Actually I checked and refusing to give the vaccine to people over 60 is almost universal. I'm sure in Canada they might give it to you after a physical but on the handout I was given before I got my shots it says they won't be given to people over 60.

Brilm said...

Okay, a less scrupulous clinic?