Thursday, October 9, 2008

Spectacles, testicles, watch, and wallet

Tonight should be my last night at the turtle. Should being the operative word but if all else fails I am paid up here until November first. However, I have my keys the power is on, and all seems to be going smoothly. Saturday is the big move.

Tonight I was flicking through some images posted by one of my roommates on facebook. It was ho hum stuff mostly and then there it first I must admit I was puzzled,
"what the heck is that? It looks kind of like a small...oh geez"
It was one of my other roommates testicles.
I'm going to miss these guys. The girls not so much they are kind of bitchy and all in love with the same guy (testicle poster). With the exception of Julie the German intern she is pretty cool, also she is coming with me to live in my condo.

Also we have chosen our safari. We will be going to both Kenya and Tanzania which means lots of vaccinations (fuck).

1 comment:

viswa said...

I Like to wear watch, Goggles,like it very much,thanks for put here great blog article,i really impressive your article..