Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well I am in. My new place is pretty dang cool if you ask me. There are a few things I am concerned about, for instance: what does it mean when you constantly have condensation on the inside of your windows? I don't currently have internet but that will change as of Monday.

I am glad there wasn't a huge amount of stuff to move but I do wish I had taken at least one book shelf. Right now I have a living room full of books and nowhere to put them.

Allan has sent me two emails asking for us to get together.

I am down to my last $25, but I have resumed the area so something should come up soon. I am beginning to regret telling Julie the German intern she could move in with me, she isn't paying me regular rent. She did pay for my hot yoga though $208. I thought there would be more work to be done on the place, and that just having someone there with me would make me feel safe. But I'm fine there by myself and the place is ready for someone who is paying to come and stay.

My tickets for X-mas are booked I am leaving December 9th and coming back January 6th. Anyone want to housesit?


Brilm said...

It means that it's cold outside, and warmer inside than it is out. And that you're in an older building with older windows. It's not a major concern, just watch out for mold growth.

Shoe selling a no go?

Khali said...

Mom gets that. I recall that she used to put a towel on the windowsill to soak it up during the day. (Though you'd never want to leave that towel there for long imo!) Since the windows are not double-pane they're a bit of a heat-sink, even with curtains, so she gets plastic to put on the inside of the windows that she puts on with a hair dryer. Trick is to get it on without any moisture inside.

But as Brianne said, not really a major concern unless you do start getting mold.