Thursday, May 29, 2008

Inner Peace

This week I have worked three and a half days which is fantastic. Today I had the day off so I went to school anyway and did a few drama classes. This weekend we are going out to the Sinai desert to climb the mountain and buy some goats for the Bedouin children.

It has been a really crazy few days. I am sure by now most of you have picked up on the fact that I am listed as single on facebook. I broke up with Allan and while I'm not proud of my way of going about it, it does feel like the right choice.
The next morning I awoke to a horrible throat infection, and 22 emails from Allan. Argh.

Anyway it has been a really nice week, and I am happy with myself. I have lost a total of 11 pounds since I first arrived, people are beginning to notice and it feels really good.

I know a large amount of the students in the school now because I have worked with almost every grade. I hope when I am certified I will have a chance to come back to this school.

I don't know when I am coming home. Valerie might fly out of Cairo right after Summer School to teach in Hong Kong for two weeks, if she does that I might go with her or fly home to Canada early. Another possibility is for me to stay on here for another year and work as I have been doing.

I think of you all frequently and wish that you were here!

1 comment:

Lindsie said...

Inner Piece (Of Pie) Mmmm.