Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentines Day

The idea behind Valentines Day? To spend some time with someone you love, to honor them and to let them know they are special.

I am so sick and tired of hearing people saying it is a "fake holiday" what the hell does that even mean?? Valentines Day is not a holiday! And whats with the whole Valentines Day was invented by Hallmark, it wasn't it has been around for centuries. I get the whole exploitation of valentines Day thing, because really what special day hasn't been exploited? But I am so tired of this ridiculous idea that just because corporations have commercialized valentines Day, people shouldn't celebrate it. There is no reason to go out and buy things for your significant other on Valentine's Day. Just spend some time together, go for a walk, plan a picnic, remember to tell each other loving things. Just because something has been commercialized (Christmas, Halloween, New Years, Easter, and Birthdays)doesn't mean you have to buy into it.