Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mt List

My list of things to do right now is rather daunting. It isn't so much that the list is long, it is more that the items on the list are going to each take a lot of time and effort. Of course time is in short supply and effort is well quite frankly being exhausted. I wish I had a small slave/child I could boss around.

"You there, spawn, pack my bags, organize Valerie's finances, and give me no sass!!"

If I'm being perfectly honest, I think this kind of illustrates the major problem in my relationship. I can not rely on him for anything. I ask him to call a plumber, he keeps putting it off. I ask him to get rent money to me before the 25th, etc, etc, etc.

Dear Santa,
For my next relationship I would like a partner who is responsible.
The end

1 comment:

Khali said...

I automatically thought of Tabitha's old grey cat...

But I hear you. Time consuming. Complicated. You can do it Nomes! Just take it one thing at a time!