Friday, July 4, 2008

Whats new...

It looks as though we have found a new apartment for Valerie, it is quite cozy and the landlords seem cool. Hopefully we will know by Monday at the latest.

Summer camp is a lot of work but also a lot of fun. For Newfoundland day (its a Canada adventure camp each day has a provincial theme) I had them paint a life size mural of a 46 foot humpback. We didn't have enough of one colour so I let them paint it any colors they wanted. It is a glorious mess of colour and happy faces, and whale bits. I am going to try and post pictures.

Thursday for Yukon day we took the childen ice-skating. It was very funny, none of the skates fit, the skates were about as sharp as popsicle sticks and none of them knew how to skate anyway. There weren't enough skates for everyone so eventually they told the kids to go on the rink in their street shoes. I have pictures of a boy ice skating in his flip-flops.

I'm begining to get a bit nervous about coming home. I still don't have a place in Nanaimo and facing Allan is not going to be that much fun.

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