Friday, August 29, 2008

M is for Mistakes, Moving and Malibu rum

The latest news:

1. Allan called me and asked if we could get together to talk, I said yes but then thought better of it. I sent him a short message saying I was sorry but I couldn't meet him, he would only end up getting hurt, and to please not call me again. I felt like a heel but I didn't want to get pulled into that horrible relationship mess again.

2. Valerie may have sold the house in Cumberland.

3. We take possesion of the condo in Nanaimo Sept 31st, but we have to wait until Nov,1, before I can move in. The condo is on Harewood ave near the Harewood mall. It is 900 square feet, and I have a tiny patio with an arbutus tree!

4. I am moving back to the Island on the first. My cell is 250 668 4121. I am staying at a painted turtle guesthouse, they rent their rooms out long term for students so i will be there until Nov,1st.

1 comment:

Khali said...

I remember that phone call... rather one similar. Glad you didn't go. *hug*