Bernard is amazing and Emily wants him to be her husband. I on the other hand think he should be my husband. We met Bernard at the Lodge when he and several other Masai men performed their tribal dances. They also sang Jambo Bwana (a much nicer version than the one I have linked). After the performance he stayed behind to answer any questions his audience might have. From this encounter we learned there are several reasons why the Masai wear their red blankets.
1. They believe the red scares away animals
2. It identifies them as the Masai tribe.
3. It hides blood in battle so their enemy can't tell when they are wounded.
Battle happens frequently because Masai believe all cattle belong to them so when they take cattle from another tribe they are just reclaiming what was once theirs. You can see how some might find this logic disagreeable.
That night Bernard was wearing a traditional outfit with a lion mane garter on his leg. One of the Italian women asked why he wore this garter. It turns out that last year as he was walking home, Bernard was attacked by a lion (he showed us his scars). He killed the lion by himself with only a spear. Bernard probably weighs 160 pounds soaking wet, a male lion can weigh over 400 pounds. The garter was to signify his kill. At this point in the evening I would have to say nearly every woman in the room was in love with Bernard, he totally could have got some.
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