Monday, April 28, 2008

2:40am Cairo time

I'm awake and I wish I wasn't. It has been a weird few days. I was going to chicken out of breaking up with Allan but a long conversation with Amber helped me. We haven't broken up, but he and I are on the same page now and he will probably be moving out in early August. This wasn't quite what i wanted but it is a step in the right direction.

I spent a day and a half with heather and Kim, I also got to see Uncle Doug which is good fun.

Last time I went to Egypt I had to get up at 3am, and then travelled for 33 hours, it took me about a week to shake off the jet lag. This time I left at a reasonable hour and the trip was only 18 hours. Most of the trip was unremarkable, except for my last flight. There were 3 drunk Australians sitting behind my row, and they kept on kicking us, and grabbing our heads it was very strange. Then one of them started making racist comments about arabs, and it was just awfull. Hopefully someone suspected him of smuggeling something and he was strip searched!

In an hour and a half we are leaving to go to Jordan, we will see the ancient site Petra, where one of teh Indiana Jones films were shot.


Khali said...

Well, a step in the right direction is better than no steps at all. *HUG*

Brilm said...

Seriously, you have to post more often, especially when there are news stories about dead Canadians in Egypt.