Monday, June 23, 2008

Perks and Quirks

Yesterday was the grade eight graduation ceremony. It is kind of a big deal, anyway I spent most of my day printing and folding programs for the 200 guests. The ceremony was quite nice and thankfully brief. The highlight of the evening for me was lets face it, free food. There was a massive buffet, and a huge desert table. mmmmmmmmm

The school had quite the set up there were glass tables with lights in them and golden centerpeices. There was even a string quartet, the music was magical.

The validictorian's speech was short and funny. After the ceremony he came over to me and said "I am a great actor." And I was confused so I said "Why?" His response "Because you taught me acting!!"
In all fairness though I only had his class once for an hour, charmer!!

Today is the last day of classes and I have very little left to do. I supervise a swim class at 11:30, will probably flirt a little with the lifeguard :)
There may be some birthday cakes arriving, or not we don't really know. Then at 1 the kids are watching a highly legal (ahem) version of Kung Fu Panda.

Little Malak, one of my favorite students gave me two really cute bracelets as a good-bye present. She is so sweet. One of the grade seven students bought me a present as well, a fork holder. LOL

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